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84 Datasets Found

A list of 400 companies gathered from Angelist. Please note that if you do decide to copy the reci...

Companies Sales

created on 2018-06-21


View or download the entire list of the top 10 million websites based on Open PageRank, an initiat...

Social Economic Trends

created on 2019-02-24

This recipe is useful for gathering Instagram profiles that are similar to the current profile you...

Sales People

created on 2021-06-29

In this recipe we gather a list of investor profiles working in Venture Capital funds.  The way...

Venture Capital Sales Investments

created on 2021-06-11


In this recipe we gather a list of URLs to the categories where seed stage investors usually inves...

Investments Venture Capital

created on 2021-06-11


A to Z list of over 24,000 prescription and over-the-counter medicines for both consumers and heal...

created on 2021-03-17

A list of 400 companies gathered from Angelist. Please note that if you do decide to copy the reci...

Sales Companies

created on 2022-04-12

Step 1: Generate a list of TikTok influencer handle URL using Google sheet Step 2: Submit t...

Sales People

created on 2024-03-22


This recipe is useful for gathering Instagram profiles that are similar to the current profile you...

Sales People E-Commerce

created on 2021-07-04

A list of companies YC has funded across many verticals including hardware, edtech, biotech, healt...

created on 2023-10-11

This recipe is useful for gathering Instagram profiles that are similar to the current profile you...

Sports and Betting Sales People

created on 2022-07-09

Complete list of doctors in Global Hospitals Mumbai , Mumbai with their specialities, appointment ...

created on 2022-06-10