$1.99 | Love Yourself First!: Boost your self-esteem in 30 Days (Change your habits, chan... | | 1,240 | May 8, 2018 | Love Yourself First!: Boost your self-esteem in 30 Days (Change your habits, chan... | 1,240 | $1.99
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$10.48 | What Can I Draw Today?: Daily Drawing Prompts for Young Artists | | 9 | Sep 15, 2020 | What Can I Draw Today?: Daily Drawing Prompts for Young Artists | 9 | $10.48
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$12.67 | This Is Not a Book | | 628 | Sep 1, 2009 | This Is Not a Book | 628 | $12.67
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$12.89 | Me: A Compendium: A Fill-in Journal for Kids (Wee Society) | | 256 | Aug 23, 2016 | Me: A Compendium: A Fill-in Journal for Kids (Wee Society) | 256 | $12.89
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$12.99$10.69 | Anxious Art: A Creativity Journal to Help Calm You (Gift Idea for Women, Activity... | | 4 | Jun 15, 2019 | Anxious Art: A Creativity Journal to Help Calm You (Gift Idea for Women, Activity... | 4 | $12.99
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$12.99$10.69 | Anxious Art: A Creativity Journal to Help Calm You (Gift Idea for Women, Activity... | | | Jun 15, 2019 | Anxious Art: A Creativity Journal to Help Calm You (Gift Idea for Women, Activity... | | $12.99
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$13.49 | A Year of Mindfulness: A 52-Week Guided Journal to Cultivate Peace and Presence | | 14 | Oct 15, 2019 | A Year of Mindfulness: A 52-Week Guided Journal to Cultivate Peace and Presence | 14 | $5.99
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$13.50$14.01 | Wreck This Journal (Paper bag) Expanded Ed. | | 1,649 | Aug 7, 2012 | Wreck This Journal (Paper bag) Expanded Ed. | 1,649 | $13.50
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$13.50$14.01 | Wreck This Journal (Paper bag) Expanded Ed. | | 288 | Aug 7, 2012 | Wreck This Journal (Paper bag) Expanded Ed. | 288 | $13.50
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$13.50$14.01 | Wreck This Journal (Paper bag) Expanded Ed. | | | Mar 2, 2021 | Wreck This Journal (Paper bag) Expanded Ed. | | $13.50
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$13.69 | A Year of Self Love: Daily Wisdom and Inspiration for Loving Yourself | | 5,854 | Nov 19, 2019 | A Year of Self Love: Daily Wisdom and Inspiration for Loving Yourself | 5,854 | $13.69
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$13.69$8.99 | A Year of Self Love: Daily Wisdom and Inspiration for Loving Yourself | | 1,224 | Nov 19, 2019 | A Year of Self Love: Daily Wisdom and Inspiration for Loving Yourself | 1,224 | $13.69
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$13.69$8.99 | A Year of Self Love: Daily Wisdom and Inspiration for Loving Yourself | | 603 | Nov 19, 2019 | A Year of Self Love: Daily Wisdom and Inspiration for Loving Yourself | 603 | $13.69
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$14.09$34.05 | Wreck This Journal (Red) Expanded Ed. by Smith, Keri (2012) Paperback | | 511 | Aug 31, 2012 | Wreck This Journal (Red) Expanded Ed. by Smith, Keri (2012) Paperback | 511 | $14.09
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$14.10 | Wreck This Picture Book (DIAL BOOKS) | | 96 | Nov 3, 2020 | Wreck This Picture Book (DIAL BOOKS) | 96 | $14.10
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$14.19 | A Sentence a Day: Short, Playful Proofreading Exercises to Help Students Avoid Tr... | | 863 | Jan 1, 2007 | A Sentence a Day: Short, Playful Proofreading Exercises to Help Students Avoid Tr... | 863 | $14.19
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$14.19 | A Sentence a Day: Short, Playful Proofreading Exercises to Help Students Avoid Tr... | | 9 | Jan 1, 2007 | A Sentence a Day: Short, Playful Proofreading Exercises to Help Students Avoid Tr... | 9 | $14.19
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$14.43 | Love Yourself First!: Boost your self-esteem in 30 Days (Change your habits, chan... | | 608 | May 13, 2018 | Love Yourself First!: Boost your self-esteem in 30 Days (Change your habits, chan... | 608 | $14.43
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$14.49 | Floral One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book (Blank Journal for Daily Reflectio... | | | Feb 20, 2018 | Floral One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book (Blank Journal for Daily Reflectio... | | $19.99
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$14.68 | Free To Be Me: An LGBTQ+ Journal of Love, Pride and Finding Your Inner Rainbow | | 37 | May 30, 2019 | Free To Be Me: An LGBTQ+ Journal of Love, Pride and Finding Your Inner Rainbow | 37 | $14.68
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$14.90 | How to Become a People Magnet: 62 Simple Strategies to Build Powerful Relationshi... | | 239 | Oct 25, 2018 | How to Become a People Magnet: 62 Simple Strategies to Build Powerful Relationshi... | 239 | $14.90
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$14.95$8.30 | Wreck This Journal Everywhere by Smith, Keri (2014) Paperback | | 48 | Jun 3, 1964 | Wreck This Journal Everywhere by Smith, Keri (2014) Paperback | 48 | $14.95
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$14.95$8.30 | Wreck This Journal Everywhere by Smith, Keri (2014) Paperback | | | Jun 3, 1964 | Wreck This Journal Everywhere by Smith, Keri (2014) Paperback | | $14.95
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$14.99 | Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your writ... | | 140 | Oct 15, 2019 | Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your writ... | 140 | $14.99
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$14.99 | Therapy Sessions Journal: A guided reflection for 6 months of therapy sessions an... | | 288 | Dec 30, 2020 | Therapy Sessions Journal: A guided reflection for 6 months of therapy sessions an... | 288 | $14.99
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$15.23$18.48 | Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy, Now With Even More Ways to Wreck! | | 5 | Apr 22, 2013 | Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy, Now With Even More Ways to Wreck! | 5 | $15.23
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$15.23$18.48 | Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy, Now With Even More Ways to Wreck! | | | Apr 22, 2013 | Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy, Now With Even More Ways to Wreck! | | $5.45
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$15.26 | Put Your Worries Here: A Creative Journal for Teens with Anxiety (The Instant Hel... | | | Feb 14, 2019 | Put Your Worries Here: A Creative Journal for Teens with Anxiety (The Instant Hel... | | $15.26
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$15.31 | 365 Days of Art in Nature: Find Inspiration Every Day in the Natural World | | | Aug 18, 2020 | 365 Days of Art in Nature: Find Inspiration Every Day in the Natural World | | $15.31
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$15.31 | 365 Days of Creativity: Inspire Your Imagination with Art Every Day | | 122 | Oct 15, 2019 | 365 Days of Creativity: Inspire Your Imagination with Art Every Day | 122 | $15.31
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$15.33 | Stoicism: How To Integrate This Powerful Philosophy To Become More Balanced, Prod... | | 1,399 | Apr 5, 2019 | Stoicism: How To Integrate This Powerful Philosophy To Become More Balanced, Prod... | 1,399 | $13.49
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$15.45 | 365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day of the Year | | | Oct 17, 2017 | 365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day of the Year | | $15.45
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$15.48 | 30 Days - Change your habits, Change your life: A couple of simple steps every da... | | 1,035 | Oct 15, 2014 | 30 Days - Change your habits, Change your life: A couple of simple steps every da... | 1,035 | $15.48
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$15.49 | Therapy Journal (Color edition): Insights and Takeaways of 50 therapy sessions | | | May 21, 2020 | Therapy Journal (Color edition): Insights and Takeaways of 50 therapy sessions | | $15.49
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